Sunday, March 11, 2007

Al Gore's Bad Week...

Poor Al Gore. First people are giving him grief over his power bill at his Nashville estate...and now PETA is on his back. Can't a person just win an Oscar and enjoy it in peace? I guess not. Anyway, the latest dust-up comes over the report that cows emit more greenhouse gases than all cars combined. And why do we have all those cows anyway? To supply beef. Beef which Al Gore enjoys. can see where this is going.

In their letter to Gore, PETA noted that "Researchers at the University of Chicago have determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius." Oh man...these people don't even play fair. Yet this is what happens when you hold yourself up there as some sort of holier-than-thou environmental saint. People are going to start taking a closer look at your habits.

So what is Al Gore going to do? Well, it's simple...he now has to buy more environmental offsets to cover his meat consumption. That's going to mean quite a bit of solar and wind power Al and Tipper have to buy. Speaking of food, Al Gore had more bad press this week when it was revealed by a website that catalogs celebrity cheapskates in restaurants that Al is a bad tipper (no pun intended.)

Come on Al...only tipping 8 percent? That's not very nice. It's a good thing he doesn't have to tip the power company.

.....thanks to Neal Bootz from whence I lifted this article.

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